When it comes to disability, there is a huge lack of data worldwide. This means that many people underestimate the size of the disabled community, and the importance of including people with disabilities equally in society.

By telling the truth about disability, and sharing the facts, we can all raise awareness and open up the dialogue about disability inclusion.

Get involved by sharing one of the stats below and starting a conversation.

The truth.


The estimated number of people with disabilities worldwide.


Together with their friends and family, this group has a spending power of $13 trillion.

of disabilities

80% of disabilities are acquired between the ages of 18 and 64 – the workforce age.

of businesses

Only 4% of businesses are focused on making offerings inclusive of disability.

the average

In most developed countries the official unemployment rate for persons with disabilities of working age is at least twice that for those who have no disability.

Sources: Purple | Purple Pound Survey | United Nations Enable | Disabled Living Foundation | Global Economics of Disability Report |