Birds Eye’s Valuable 500 Commitment:

At Birds Eye, a culture of inclusion means having diverse perspectives and lived experiences around the table. As a purpose-driven company focused on “Serving the World with Better Food”, we know that to stay relevant to the consumers and communities we serve there must be no barriers to our people being able to bring their whole self to work and achieve their full potential.

We have started our disability inclusion journey with the Aunt Bessie’s Campaign “Caring is the hardest thing we do” and are collaborating external partners and charities to accelerate our inclusion programme.

In support of our ambition we will:

  1. deliver a programme of internal disability education and awareness events – including educating all leaders and line managers on conscious inclusion.

  2. sign up to the Disability Confident scheme and begin the journey towards being a more inclusive employer, where all talent can thrive.

  3. further develop accessible and inclusive physical workspaces where everyone can thrive together.

  4. invest in authentic and inclusive advertising featuring real life stories and actors with disabilities, initially with our Aunt Bessie’s “caring is the hardest things we do” campaign.

  5. collaborate with charitable organisations to increase understanding on how we can serve consumers and shoppers with disabilities more effectively (e.g. pack design and technology).