John Sisk & Son’s Valuable 500 Commitment:

We commit to raising awareness around the specific disability of mental ill-health.  This is something that’s been on our leadership agenda for some time and in the past 2 years, we have engaged the entire company in this initiative.

We continue to work hard in this space to encourage our people to check in on their colleagues and promote the message that it’s ok to say that you may be feeling under pressure right now and that it’s absolutely ok to ask for help.  These are key principles of our I am Here programme.  We are also initiating a review of our overall approach to how we address mental health in the company and will take inputs from our colleagues and from external experts.

We are more than willing to share any learnings that we have from our efforts with any interested party to help address and reduce the stigma that’s unfortunately associated with mental health and to help those who are in need of some kindness at this point in their lives.