Sony Life Insurance Co., Ltd.’s Valuable 500 Commitment:

Sony Life Insurance operates under a corporate vision of “Protecting customers all across Japan throughout their lives,” with corporate philosophy of “Respecting the individuality of employees” and “Bringing out the very best in their talents and aptitudes.” We capitalize on the diversity of all of our employees, including employees with disabilities, with the aim of creating a corporate culture and society at large in which everyone helps each other for the benefit of all. We also strive to provide products and services that will give all customers peace of mind, regardless of conditions related to disabilities.

We continuously employ a higher ratio of employees with disabilities than is legally mandated, and promote their active participation. We established Sony Life Business Partners Co., Ltd., as a special subsidiary in March 2019 to promote the employment of people with disabilities. This subsidiary seeks to create “A future in which people with disabilities can thrive by being themselves,” through mutual respect among all employees, the full utilization of their abilities, and creativity and imagination, with the aim of creating an environment in which everyone can feel a sense of continuous growth and satisfaction.

We use feedback from customers to improve our products and services, so that customers with disabilities can use them with safety and peace of mind.

For example, we have introduced services that make it possible to communicate using sign language or in writing to facilitate inquiries from customers with hearing or speech disabilities. We have also introduced an electronic voice guidance service using the Uni-Voice app for some materials sent by mail, making visually challenged customers can easily separate those items from other mail they receive.

Many of our employees are involved in volunteer activities, out of a desire to support the independence and participation in society by people with disabilities and contribute to society and promote diversity.

One of these activities is our support since 1996 for Special Olympics Nippon (Japan), an organization that supports social participation by people with intellectual disabilities through sports. In addition to financial contributions as a national partner, many of our employees participate as volunteer staff at the Summer and Winter National Games held every four years.