Suntory Group’s Valuable 500 Commitment:

<Suntory Group’s initiatives to date>

1. Promoting the employment of disabled individuals
Suntory has been actively promoting the employment of disabled individuals. In Japan, employees with disabilities are working together with other employees as members of the Group, and are placed in charge of various operations, contributing to the growth and development of Suntory’s business.

2. Enhancing work environment and employee education

Suntory focuses on grasping the abilities and characteristics of each employee, thereby creating a work environment that is comfortable for all employees. Beam Suntory has set up a project team in the U.S. to promote diversity and inclusion, and is creating an environment that allows employees with disabilities to work in a lively manner, such as introducing flexible work arrangements, as well as making use of assistive technologies. Beam Suntory is also promoting educational activities for all employees to get a better understanding of individuals with disabilities. Suntory Beverage and Food has established a diversity and inclusion task force in Europe, which is working to highlight actions needed to accelerate the development of an inclusive work environment for disabled employees.

3. Supporting parasports

As part of its support for the reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, Suntory has been supporting “Challenged Sports” since 2014. From 2015, Suntory has expanded the scope of its activities in promoting and strengthening parasports, including the sponsorship of wheel-chair basketball tournaments, hosting classes to give people a chance to experience parasports, as well as offering grants to athletes.