Unicredit Group

Region — Global, Italy

UniCredit’s Valuable 500 Commitment:

At UniCredit we believe that diversity and inclusion are key for the long term sustainable success of our Bank and we are committed to ensuring a positive and inclusive workplace where all differences are respected – whether they be talents, skills or experiences.

The Bank has been investing in disability management for more than ten years, including specific training for managers, internal engagement initiatives, partnerships with relevant external organisations and dedicated corporate policies in line with the Joint Declaration on “Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination” signed in 2009.

In addition, UniCredit appointed a Diversity and Inclusion Manager for the Group in 2018, has set up a Group level Diversity and Inclusion Committee that includes the CEO and has dedicated Disability Managers in place in both Italy and Austria.

In Italy, four disability working groups make sure that colleagues are continuously involved in discussions on the disability management strategy and priorities, to help ensure the Bank’s progress in the right direction. In Austria, Bank Austria is the country’s leading bank on accessibility and inclusion providing barrier-free branches, self-service devices, advisory in sign language, accessible online services and shuttle rides to branches.

Furthermore, last year, on December 3, UniCredit joined the #PurpleLightUp campaign lighting the spire of its headquarters in Milan purple to promote inclusion and equal opportunities regardless of disability.

The Bank is currently strongly focused on developing its digital accessibility for both colleagues and customers as a central part of the commitment to become increasingly inclusive and diverse with the disability topic firmly on our business agenda.

We  Won't  Stop

until everyone is seen and valued equally.

Disabled model, Shem.

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